Saturday, March 29, 2014

"To My Friends"

To My Friends

Tell me who you are.
Lead me to the world you live in.
I want to understand,
And I want to learn your song.
Your eyes pour out your story
In a tongue I cannot read.
Your hand shakes
With your pain and your joy
From things you’ve seen
And things you’ve been.
I cannot touch that hidden soul.
I cannot reach that light I see
Reflected in your eyes.
I’ll hold your shaking hands,
And I’ll hold your brilliant gaze,
But I’ll never know you.
Yet perhaps, if we throw our lives
Into chasing the same dear light,
We shall not be so colorblind
To the shades of each other’s souls,
And we shall touch the light we see
Dancing within each other’s smiles,
And learn harmonies
To one another’s songs.


  1. All of the yeses. I used to think to truly be close to someone, you had to KNOW them. To understand them.

    But maybe not. Maybe friendship is the constant, committed chance to wonder at and with each other for the rest of your lives.

  2. Oh wow, well done. The idea of finding not how to sing in unison, but to harmonize, is a great picture of the struggle you are expressing.
